Cyclical Inspections

During the week of November 20th, the Assessor's Office will be taking updated exterior pictures of all properties located in our FY24 Cyclical area. This includes properties located on and off of Pelham St, Station St, Archer Ave, Hobomock, Monroe St., Mill St, Suomi Road, Lake Street, Chestnut St, Cypress Terrace, Forest St., Standish St., and surrounding areas. Should you have any questions regarding this effort please contact our office at 781-293-2393.

We are currently inspecting properties on Lake Street, Standish Street, and Forest Street area. Please call the office at 781-293-2393 if you have any questions.

Per Mass. General Law Chapter 59, Sect. 39 all municipalities in the Commonwealth are required to assess all real and personal property at "full and fair cash value”. To achieve this, the Department of Revenue mandates that each municipality do a full data collection of each of its parcels at least once every five to ten years, referred to as “cyclical inspections”.

Typically, an interior and exterior inspection needs to be completed on your property in order to verify that the information we have on your property is accurate. All inspectors will be wearing town-issued identification badges and will be driving a town vehicle. 

First, a postcard is mailed to homeowners who are part of the neighborhood inspection cycle. This postcard informs the homeowner of the need to inspect the property, requesting an appointment be made, should you feel comfortable doing so.  It also notifies the homeowner that we will be visiting the property to perform an exterior inspection in the next several weeks if no appointment is made.

The second step of the process is a visit by a member of the Pembroke Assessors' office.  Staff will visit each house and knock on the door.  If no one is home, we will measure the exterior of the property to verify our information. We will leave a notice with our phone number to let you know we visited and again offer the opportunity to call us and set up an appointment for an interior inspection.

Interior inspections generally take about 10 minutes. The inspector will verify information such as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms and distinguish finished from unfinished areas, such as basements and attics.

Please be advised that we will never go through a home unaccompanied and must be with an adult at all times (no minors).

Please contact the Assessor’s Office with any questions or concerns at 781-293-2393 or

We thank you in advance for your cooperation!