Phase 2 List in Order of Priority

Phase 2 (February-March 2021)

Listed in order of priority:

1. Individuals with 2+ comorbidities (high risk for COVID-19 complications), individuals age 75+, and residents and staff of public and private low income and affordable senior housing and (Updated January 25, 2021) Adults 65+

2. Other workers, including:

  • Early education, K-12, transit, grocery, utility, food and agriculture, restaurant and cafe workers;

  • Employees across the food, beverages, agriculture, consumer goods, retail, and foodservice sectors;

  • Meatpackers;

  • Sanitation, public works and public health workers;

  • Vaccine development workers;

  • Food pantry workers and volunteers;

  • Transit/transportation: Uber/Lyft/ride share services/pharmacy delivery drivers, workers in the passenger ground transportation industry (e.g. paratransit for people with Disabilities, food delivery, non-urgent medical transport), Massport workers other than police;

  • Convenience store workers (under grocery workers);

  • Water and wastewater utility staff

  • Court system workers (judges, prosecutors, defense attorney, clerks), other than court officers who are listed under first responders

  • Medical supply chain workers

  • Funeral directors and funeral workers

  • Shipping port and terminal workers

4. Individuals with one co-morbid condition


Phase 2 vaccination settings:

  • Individuals will get vaccinated either by their employer, primary care physician, pharmacy or public clinic.

  • Treating clinicians/health systems, health insurers (including MassHealth), and patient advocacy groups will reach out to individuals with co-morbidities to encourage them to receive COVID-19 vaccination. Individuals in the various worker groups will likely be reached via their employers and unions.

  • The Department of Public Health does not maintain a central sign-up or scheduling system for the vaccine.